Mission Statement
Culture Crypt is dedicated to bringing thoughtful and unbiased viewpoints to all of its media reviews and articles. While major studio releases are covered, Culture Crypt concentrates on independent genre films.
Not limited strictly to horror or to films, Culture Crypt also offers episode guides and reviews of television shows along with photo galleries of notable filming locations and events. The focus is primarily on genre entertainment, but Culture Crypt also aims to provide noteworthy items on other areas of popular culture appealing to an audience with similar interests.
Culture Crypt critic Ian Sedensky with "Halloween" alumni Nick Castle and John Carpenter.
Culture Crypt's editor is Ian Sedensky. Ian studied Television and Film at Bowling Green State University in Ohio before moving to Los Angeles for a career behind-the-scenes. After several years in the video game industry, Ian created Culture Crypt in 2013 as an alternative for genre fans who want a reliable resource free from recycled press releases and generic hype.
George A. Romero with Culture Crypt's Ian Sedensky.
Contact Culture Crypt
Production companies or filmmakers who wish to have a feature film reviewed or covered can contact Culture Crypt using the email link at the bottom of the sidebar. Embargo periods and NDAs are always respected. Physical media and promotional materials can be mailed to:
Ian Sedensky
2258 Glendale Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90039
What’s the point in paying the movie any attention simply because it was first to hijack a lapsed Disney property for exploitation in hacky horror?